Session Speaker
Greg Coticchia
Carnegie Mellon University, Executive Director, Academic Programs
Software eating the world” creates a growing need to educate product managers. Unfortunately, little has changed in the world of product management education, training or preparation to meet today’s high demand. The predominant way product managers are trained today is still on-the-job training. Additionally, there are many top rate certification providers and non-academic programs available to pursue an education in product management. While these existing pathways to product management have created a great pool of professionals able to address business needs, the current education system is far from optimal. And despite the central role that a product manager plays, the talent management practices associated with this function are surprisingly underdeveloped
What can product people do to truly continue learning and mastering their craft? What are some of the best practices to stay on top of the product management profession? What should you look for in terms of credentials when hiring product managers?
Greg Coticchia, a practicing product manager for almost 30 years, who now leads the worlds first masters degree in product management, will discuss what you can do.
Greg Coticchia
Carnegie Mellon University, Executive Director, Academic Programs