

User adoption

The journey customers take to become proficient and engaged with your product as an integral part of their lives.

Last updated: July 18, 2024

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What is user adoption?

User adoption (or customer adoption) is the journey users take to become proficient and engaged with your product as an integral part of their lives. It goes beyond simply getting users to sign up or activate your product. It’s about understanding their needs, ensuring they can achieve their goals with your product, and fostering a positive user experience that keeps them coming back for more. A well-defined user adoption strategy ensures the user journey to engagement is smooth, efficient, and leads to long-term digital adoption and product success.

How is user adoption different from product adoption?

While “product adoption” and “user adoption” are often used interchangeably, they are different in focus.

Product adoption focuses on the activation and engagement of users with your product’s features. It’s a product-centric view that measures how many users are taking advantage of what your product offers. For a to-do list app, for example, high product adoption might translate to a high number of users creating lists and checking off tasks within the app.

However, user adoption takes a user-centric approach. It looks at the user’s journey and their decision to integrate your product into their daily routine. Looking at the to-do list example, high user adoption would mean users not only create lists but rely on the app to manage their tasks regularly, becoming an indispensable tool in their workflow. They might even recommend the app to others because it solves a pain point and makes their lives easier.

In short, product adoption is an indicator of how many users engage with your product while user adoption dives deeper into how those users find value and make your product a habitual part of their experience.

Why is user adoption important for products?

User adoption is a crucial factor in the success of any digital product or application. It signifies that users are not only activating your product but also finding value in it, making it a regular part of their workflow. This translates into several significant benefits for product managers and their products:

  • Increased revenue: Engaged users who experience the value proposition of your product are more likely to convert into paying customers, especially for freemium or subscription-based models.
  • Higher retention rates: Satisfied users who find your product helpful and indispensable in their workflow are less likely to cancel their subscriptions or abandon your product altogether.
  • Improved product development: User adoption often leads to rich user feedback. By understanding how users interact with your product and their pain points, product managers can identify areas for improvement and iterate on the product to deliver a better customer experience (CX).
  • Brand advocacy: Happy and successful users become brand advocates. They’re more likely to recommend your product to others through positive word-of-mouth, spreading brand awareness, and attracting new users organically.

By focusing on improving user adoption, product managers can create a positive cycle. High adoption leads to more engaged users, which translates to increased revenue, lower customer churn, and a more successful product.

What are the six stages of user adoption?

User adoption isn’t a one-time event, but an entire journey users take as they become familiar with your product. 

  1. Awareness: Users become aware of your product’s existence, typically through marketing efforts or word-of-mouth recommendations.
  2. Acquisition: Users are convinced of your product’s potential value and take action, such as signing up for a free trial or becoming paying customers.
  3. Onboarding: This critical stage focuses on guiding users through the initial product experience. Effective onboarding is a crucial element of any user adoption strategy, guiding users through learn the core functionalities, understanding the value proposition, and completing key actions that demonstrate the product’s usefulness.
  4. Activation: Users who find value in the onboarding process progress to the activation stage. They begin using your product regularly and achieve their desired outcomes, experiencing the “aha” moment that makes them realize your product is essential.
  5. Retention: The goal is to keep users engaged over time. This stage focuses on providing ongoing value through new features, personalized experiences, and addressing user needs. Satisfied users are less likely to churn and continue to find your product indispensable.
  6. Advocacy: Delighted users who become loyal to your product reach the advocacy stage. They actively promote your product to others through positive word-of-mouth recommendations, social media mentions, or even formal referrals, significantly boosting user acquisition efforts.

How can I measure user adoption at each stage?

Each of the six primary stages of user adoption (see above) has its own metrics that provide valuable insights into user behavior and engagement at that stage. By tracking these metrics, product managers can identify areas for improvement and optimize the user journey:


Track metrics like brand awareness surveys, website traffic, and social media engagement to understand how effectively you reach your target audience and generate interest in your product.


Monitor active user growth and conversion rates from trials to paid plans to assess your success in converting interested users into paying customers.


Track completion rates of onboarding flows, guide engagement, time to value, and time on app to identify potential roadblocks or areas for improvement within the onboarding experience.


Measure feature adoption rates, stickiness, product engagement scores, and active users to understand how often they interact with your product.


Track customer retention and Net Promoter Score (NPS) (which measures customer loyalty and likelihood to recommend) to gauge user satisfaction and identify opportunities to improve user retention.


Monitor customer referrals and social media mentions to identify your most enthusiastic users (promoters) and understand how effectively they spread positive word-of-mouth about your product.

Fortunately, measuring these user adoption metrics doesn’t have to be complex. A variety of tools, including Pendo Listen and Pendo Analytics, can simplify data collection and analysis. These tools provide user behavior insights, help track key metrics across the user journey, and empower product managers to make data-driven decisions that optimize the user experience and drive product success.

How can I drive user adoption within onboarding?

User onboarding is the critical first impression that sets the stage for long-term user engagement. Here are some strategies for delivering a smooth, personalized, and valuable onboarding experience that significantly increases user adoption.

  • Personalize the onboarding experience. You can leverage user data (such as signup information and demographics) to tailor onboarding flows to different user types and needs. This could involve offering segmented onboarding experiences for different user personas or subscription plans.
  • Focus on quick wins. Help users achieve small victories early on to showcase the value proposition of your product. This includes guiding them through tasks demonstrating the core functionalities and how your product can alleviate their pain points.
  • Keep it interactive. Instead of overwhelming users with lengthy text instructions, use interactive elements to keep them engaged. These elements might include walkthroughs, tooltips, and in-app guidance highlighting key features and functionalities.
  • Gather feedback. Actively solicit user feedback through surveys, in-app polls, or user interviews during onboarding. This feedback helps you identify pain points, understand user expectations, and continuously improve the onboarding experience.

Use tools like Pendo In-app Guides to help you personalize onboarding flows, track user progress, and gather feedback to optimize user adoption.

What are best practices for in-app communication to increase user engagement?

Effective in-app messaging is critical to guiding user behavior and boosting engagement. Here’s how to get the most from it: 

  • Target the right users with the right message: Leverage user data and segmentation to deliver relevant messages that address each group of users’ needs.
  • Focus on user needs, not features: Highlight how your product helps users achieve their goals, and provide walkthroughs of high-value workflows.
  • Keep it concise and clean: Use straightforward language, visuals, and videos to grab attention.
  • A/B test different approaches: Experiment with different content and visuals, and optimize your in-app communications based on results.

Tools like Pendo In-app Guides can simplify in-app communication management. Pendo helps you personalize messages, target specific user segments, and track the impact of your communication efforts, allowing you to optimize for maximum engagement.

How can I leverage product analytics to improve adoption?

Product analytics tools like Pendo Analytics provide insights into how users interact with your product so you can:

  • Identify user pain points: Understand where users get stuck or abandon tasks. Then, use guides, tooltips, and more to eliminate friction and get users back on track.
  • See which features are underutilized: Look into usage data to understand what features need attention. Maybe they’re hard to find in your UI, or maybe the feature isn’t fulfilling your customers’ needs. Session replays can help you answer questions like this.
  • Measure the effectiveness of onboarding and engagement: Track user behavior changes after implementing onboarding and educational content. Does feature adoption increase, or are users still struggling to use your product?

How can I use user feedback to optimize user adoption?

Actively soliciting user feedback through surveys, in-app polls, and user interviews allows you to understand:

  • Users’ initial impressions of your product
  • Challenges they encounter while using the product
  • Features they find most and least valuable
  • Suggestions for improvement

Your product managers can use this feedback to iterate on your product and onboarding process to address user needs and improve adoption.

What are key user adoption metrics for digital products, and how do I measure them?

As a product manager, understanding user adoption is critical. It’s not just about getting users to sign up but ensuring they find value and become loyal users. Here are key user adoption metrics you should track, along with actionable tips for effective measurement.

  • Measure loyalty and engagement: Net promoter score (NPS) tells you how likely users are to recommend your product. Conduct NPS surveys regularly to identify happy promoters and address concerns from detractors.
  • Focus on retention: Retention rate indicates how many users keep returning to your product, month over month. Analyze retention data by user segment and cancellation reasons to pinpoint areas for improvement.
  • Track user frequency: Monitor active user growth to understand how often users log in. Explore reasons behind low DAU/WAU/MAU for specific user groups and tailor features or engagement strategies accordingly.
  • Uncover feature usage: Feature adoption reveals how users interact with specific functionalities. Use tools like Pendo to track feature adoption and identify underutilized features that might need improvement or better promotion within the product.
  • Value perception matters: Time to value (TTV) measures how long it takes users to achieve their first win with your product. A long TTV indicates a potentially confusing onboarding process. Onboarding tools can help you streamline the process and shorten TTV.
  • Engagement depth: Session duration reflects how long users spend actively using your product in a single session. Low session duration might indicate a lack of engagement or a complex user interface. Use session replay to pinpoint usability issues and improve the customer experience.

To effectively gather and utilize metrics, it’s important to define clear goals and users, choose the metrics most important to you, and track them consistently over time. 

How can I interpret user adoption metrics to make product decisions?

Analyze user adoption metrics to understand:

  • User behavior: Identify user patterns and pain points within the product.
  • The effectiveness of onboarding and engagement strategies: See if your efforts are translating to higher adoption rates.
  • Areas for product improvement: Identify features that need refinement or functionalities that users might be missing.
  • The overall health of your product: Use metrics to benchmark your product’s performance and identify areas for optimization.

How have other digital products increased user adoption?

Here are some common strategies successful product-led companies employ to drive user adoption:

  • Offer a freemium model—a free tier with limited functionality—to allow users to experience the product’s value before committing to a paid plan.
  • Deliver a user-friendly onboarding experience that guides users through the product’s core features and helps them achieve quick wins.
  • Provide in-app guidance and tutorials like walkthroughs, tooltips, and contextual help to assist users during their product journey.
  • Personalize product experiences that tailor the experience to different user types and needs based on user data.
  • Foster strong user communities where users can connect, share best practices, and get help from each other.

How can Pendo help me drive higher user adoption?

Pendo One is a product experience platform designed to empower product-led companies and their product managers to realize higher product/user adoption of their product.

With Pendo, you can more quickly and effectively:

  • Understand user behavior by gaining deep insights into how users interact with your product, identify pain points, and optimize for better adoption.
  • Personalize the user journey by creating targeted onboarding experiences and in-app messaging to guide users toward success.
  • Measure the impact of your efforts by tracking user adoption metrics and analyzing the effectiveness of your product and engagement strategies.
  • A/B test different approaches to continuously iterate and optimize your product and onboarding flow to maximize user adoption.

Pendo helps you prioritize user adoption and leverage the right metrics and measurement strategies within your user adoption strategy. You can then ensure your product not only attracts users but also fosters a community of engaged and loyal users who contribute to the product’s long-term success.

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