Best Practices

How financial services companies can optimize employee onboarding with Pendo

Published Oct 16, 2024
Automated, data-driven in-app support succeeds where one-off training sessions fail.

Driving efficiency and productivity gains is a must-do for any business. But with its landscape of complex regulations, intricate products, and ever-evolving technology, it can be especially tricky in the world of financial services. The question arises: How can firms in this dynamic field ensure their employees are equipped to handle new business processes and tools?

It starts with optimizing onboarding. Traditional training methods consisting of one-off walkthroughs and hard-to-find documentation simply won’t cut it anymore. The most forward-thinking financial services companies are shifting away from these dated, ineffectual onboarding tactics and embracing on-demand digital support to ramp employees. The most effective way to do that is with Pendo’s AI-powered digital adoption platform

With comprehensive product analytics and behavioral insights, in-app notifications and content, and feedback management, Pendo gives financial services companies the power to revolutionize onboarding like never before. 

From one-and-done training to always-on support

In the high-stakes world of financial services, one-time training sessions fall short. A new hire might attend a lengthy call on compliance procedures or proper software usage but forget crucial details immediately after. When they can’t find recorded sessions or documentation later on, they feel confused and abandoned. This invariably leads to unnecessary support tickets, with IT and operations teams forced to devote precious time and resources to what should be avoidable problems.

To remedy this, financial services orgs can leverage Pendo’s in- and cross-app guidance to walk employees through important processes that will be crucial to driving business outcomes, whether that’s opening a new account for a customer, processing a loan application, or a host of other workflows. Pendo powers real-time, scenario-based assistance. For instance, if a new employee is navigating a financial software suite for tracking investments, Pendo’s in-app support can instruct them on how to generate reports without having to remember everything from a past training session.

The nature of work in financial services is inherently multi-faceted, taking place not just within but across applications. Think customer relationship management (CRM) systems, homegrown financial-analysis tools, and regulatory compliance software that may all contribute to a single loan-processing workflow. Picking a digital adoption solution built for this multi-app environment is essential. Pendo’s cross-app guides make it easy to ensure that assistance is available no matter where the employee is in their process. By ensuring the right support is accessible in the context of their workflow, firms can minimize compliance errors and enhance productivity.

The right support for the right employee at the right time

To maximize effectiveness, financial services leaders should harness the power of segmenting their guidance based on specific employee needs. Pendo’s digital adoption platform allows firms to tailor onboarding processes using data such as job role, department, location, or experience level. A new account manager and an experienced financial advisor both require guidance, for instance, but at different levels of complexity and depth. 

Once implemented, IT & operations, internal product managers, and others can leverage Pendo’s comprehensive analytics to get AI-powered insights about crucial behavioral trends—where new hires struggle, which features they use, and where they might benefit from additional support. From there, they can iterate in-app support based on what they see. This adaptive approach allows firms to continuously refine their onboarding strategy, ensuring new employees gain confidence in their roles.

Empowering employees to drive business wins

Enhancing employee onboarding processes in the financial services industry isn’t just about improving individual performance; it is about creating systems that promote efficiency and effectiveness for the org as a whole. Empowering new hires with the right resources, at the right moment, ensures they are not only prepared to meet their responsibilities but can also thrive in a demanding environment.

By asking, “Are we doing enough to equip our employees for success?”, financial services firms can recognize that the ultimate goal is to provide timely, seamless, relevant support throughout employees’ onboarding journey. With Pendo’s AI-powered DAP, organizations can transform the onboarding experience, fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation in an ever-evolving financial landscape. 

Want to learn more about how Pendo can transform how work happens in financial services orgs? Get a custom demo here