Pendo for your customers

Measure and increase customer happiness

See how your product experience drives customer satisfaction with in-app NPS.
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Trusted by leading companies around the world
OpenTable logo Okta-logo Labcorp logo JLL logo United Airlines logo Salesforce logo Logo Covetrus logo iRobot logo Customer_Logo_Black_HMH Henry Schein logo Bright Horizons logo Infor logo Verizon Connect logo Customer_Logo_Black_Pagerduty Zendesk logo Cision logo
OpenTable logo Okta-logo Labcorp logo JLL logo United Airlines logo Salesforce logo Logo Covetrus logo iRobot logo Customer_Logo_Black_HMH Henry Schein logo Bright Horizons logo Infor logo Verizon Connect logo Customer_Logo_Black_Pagerduty Zendesk logo Cision logo

Increase loyalty and grow your business

Use Net Promoter Score in Pendo to continually gather NPS in-app and measure customer satisfaction over time
Identify and act on trends
Continually gather NPS in-app and measure customer satisfaction over time.
Combine analytics with NPS
Identify user behaviors and areas of your product that are impacting your NPS.
AI-generated qualitative insights
Extract, sort, and synthesize insights from your qualitative customer feedback.
Understand usage volume
Plot NPS against product usage—across the entire product, or individual pages or features.
Assess NPS by user segment
Filter responses by role, company size, plan level, or any other demographic metadata.
  • Cisco logo
    We have an in-app NPS survey that we run with Pendo. During [an] incident we saw a twenty-percent jump in our NPS scores, and I can only think that it was in part due to having those notifications in the product. Jennifer Sand, VP of Product Management
  • MPOWR Envision logo
    We’re identifying our champions and getting them to assist us in getting more buyers through our door. We were operationally blind. Now we have 20/20 vision and a 360-degree view. Matt Heggelund, Product Manager
  • Cision logo
    We analyzed the behavior of users based on their NPS response. People that went through the onboarding process more quickly were clearly happier. This caused us to double down on accelerating that process for customers. Becky Banasik, VP Customer Success
  • SmartRecruiters logo
    The data came in and we had over 2,200 [NPS survey] responses. That far exceeded our expectations. And because we sent it via Pendo instead of through an online survey tool, we were able to collect so many different data points. John Hooper, Manager, Revenue Insights and Analytics

Check out success stories from Pendo customers

Smart Recruiters logo
SmartRecruiters uses Pendo to deliver NPS surveys and gather end-user sentiment—reaching the right users, at the right time.


increase in NPS responses
Read the story
Henry Schein logo
Henry Schein gets the data they need to improve their customers’ experience by collecting user insights through in-app NPS surveys.


point increase in NPS in 6 months
Read the story
Tune logo
TUNE uses Pendo to drive new customer engagement and maintain existing customer loyalty.


increase in NPS, 20% increase in annual contracts
Read the story

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